The Portuguese forest occupies about 3.46 million hectares, representing 38.8% of the mainland and increased 109,000 hectares between 1995 and 2005.
The main tree species in Portugal are, in descending order, the pinaster, eucalyptus and cork oak, which represent about 74% of the existing forest areas. (AIFF source, 2010).
Within the National Forestry Industry, the pulp and paper sector manages, directly, the largest forest area of the country.
Forest fires remain as a major threat to the Forestry sector as a result of the high number of occurrences and the corresponding high burnt area. 2009 showed a set back in the results obtained compared with the previous years.
* In "Characterization Report of the Forestry Sector," AIFF 2010
The Eucalyptus forest in Portugal
731,000 hectares, 41 million solid cubic meters cc
* In CELPA Report 2008
Two main types of agents
Paper industry (27%)
Individual forest owners or non-industrial societies (73%)
* In CELPA Report 2008
Management model
Short rotation coppice (10-12 years)
Reforestation with improved materials after 2 or 3 harvests
The forest is a strategic asset of Altri. Although under different legal forms, Altri kept under its intervention 90.4 thousand hectares of forest lands. In these, eucalyptus stands out as the main crop of the Altri forest, occupying more than 80% of the area and ensuring a self-sufficiency in wood and biomass in complement to the supply from the market. The management practiced by Altri Florestal is certified by the leading certification systems for sustainable forest management and represents a guarantee for the achievement of its objectives, at present and in the future.
Although the forest resources of Altri are scattered throughout the country, the vast majority are concentrated in the Tagus Valley, giving them an increased importance, given its proximity to the manufacturing centers of Altri. This proximity has an enormous strategic importance because it allows an optimization of the transportation costs, as well as a great effectiveness in transporting timber compared with the timber production located at greater distances.