Celbi is one of those projects that since its materialization in 1965, has evolved, to adapt to the market, while complying with the highest ethical and economic standards. Over these 50 years many things have happened. Some better, others not so good. But Celbi always resisted.
When, in 2006, Altri decided to invest in its acquisition, they knew of its economic and social value. Since then, we changed its profile, without changing its matrix, its genetics and its mission: to be the best pulp producer in Europe. Altri held, since then, investment approaching one billion euros, making this company one of the largest in its sector.
In 2006, Celbi produced about 300,000 tons of pulp. In 2014, it produced about 687,000 tons of pulp. These numbers are as or more relevant, if we consider that almost all of our production is intended for foreign markets and is transported, mainly, through the commercial port of Figueira da Foz, boosting this structure and contributing to its sustainability.
Celbi is now one of the largest domestic exporters and one that retains more gross value added. At the same time, and though globalization has turned companies more focused on themselves, Celbi and its successive teams have always known - in so far as possible – to be available for their workers, their families and the community it belongs to. We know that the impacts of having a company like Celbi as neighbour were not always good. However, we have, over the years, continuously invested in reducing those impacts and we have achieved a satisfactory evolution. We also found a solution, in the end of 2014, which reduces the impact of the movement of trucks between the factory and the port. Thousands of trucks were removed from roads, with a significant reduction of the ecological footprint.
It is also pleasant to see that Celbi has always lived in social peace, even in the periods of more troubled History. Just as, in permanent dialogue with the community, it was always possible to build bridges to resolve the various issues that have arisen. Over the years, thousands of workers have daily given their best, teams with high sense of responsibility that knew, and they know, that the success of Celbi is also their own success. Celbi is now one of the largest companies in the Centre region of Portugal, a reference at national and European level. We want it to continue, and as far as Altri is concerned, we will do everything so that this centre of excellence continues to grow and improve.