In order to create the best working conditions and well-being to all employees, Celbi intensified in the past years the effort to improve issues related to Occupational Health and Safety,namely by:
Creating guidelines for the improvement of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System and its certification in accordance with OHSAS 18001 Standard/NP4397, granted in 2005.
Establishing objectives as to the frequency and severity indexes of accidents in the workplace and absenteeism rates caused by disease and accidents.
Implementing various improvement programmes in the Safety and Occupational Health areas.
In operational terms, the Occupational Health and Safety management in Celbi involves interaction between the Management Systems Department (Safety and Fire Protection Service), the Occupational Health Service and the organisational structure of the company.
The Management System finds its pillars in:
The Health Centre, furnished with modern diagnosis and treatment equipment, has a full-time doctor employed by the company and a team of Practice Nurses.
Appropriate safety facilities with availability of material and equipment for individual and collective protection and for the follow-up of ongoing works.
Availability of technical means and human resources for action in emergencies, namely in personal accidents, fire and other industrial incidents.
Training in specific safety areas according to the employees' job characteristics. This is extended to employees from contractors working in Celbi premises.
Notices of hazards and risks in the mill premises and workplaces which were identified with the participation of the employees themselves.
Publication of safety manuals, standards and procedures as well as other documentation on the subject. These documents are abundantly distributed, internally and externally.
Publication of internal regulations that specify the procedures on the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs in the workplace.
Implementation of programmes for inspections/surveys on hygiene and safety issues, as well as audits concerning the operation of the Management System.
More recently the project “Safe behaviours” has begun and it aims at the implementation of a complete security culture.