For the second consecutive year, more than two hundred people, including children and adults, participated, last Saturday, 4th June, in the cleaning of Praia da Leirosa beach, an initiative whose invitation came from Celbi, in partnership with the Marinha das Ondas Popular Recreation Center – Leirosa Beach (CRPMO), the Marinha das Ondas Scouts Group and with the support of the Marinha das Ondas Parish.
"This is an action of partnership, with a common goal: regardless of being close to a local and national reference industry, we have a beach with cleaning rates that allow it to have the blue flag, to be a seaside resort," stressed Nogueira Santos, administrator of Celbi, noting that, after the success of the first edition, held last year, this is an "action to be repeated. “Parents, children, friends, Celbi workers, Praia da Leirosa residents, and other parishes of the Figueira da Foz municipality joined forces to support a cause, and throughout the morning and under a bright sun, gathered near three industrial containers of litter.
"It's good to be in a clean beach, so I wanted to take part in this cleaning. I like that people who visit us find the place beautiful, "said Inês Mamede, 13.
"I picked up a lot of sticks that come from the sea, but also many plastics and cigarettes" complained Henry Lemos, 12, that, together with his friend Diogo Parracho, saved a little frog.
"I think that people forget that the litter that stays on the beach can bring us health problems," warned Gustavo Ramos, 7 years old, who, despite living in Lisbon, comes to visit his grandparents and to dive in the sea, at weekends and on vacations."
"The beaches must be cleaned and we often do not realize that. The work we do, maintaining the cleaning of the beach, that we started with the begining of the bathing season, only solves part of the problem. Because, throughout the year, the quantity of litter that is deposited on the beaches is enornous, "said João Ataíde, the Mayor of the city council of Figueira da Foz, praising Celbi, for its" constant concern to be attentive to the local context in which it operates, and also all those who contributed to a clean beach, "
Already in the premises of Celbi, which celebrated 50 years of existence in 2015, it was time to socialize, in a lunch served at the facilities of the industrial unit and, later, it was time to get to know "the house of these neighbors", in a visit made to the mill.
"Celbi wants to have an increasingly close relationship with the Leirosa community," emphasized Carlos Van Zeller, administrator of Celbi, making clear that "in addition to the creation of wealth, of employment", the "priority for the county is also to give the opportunity to Praia da Leirosa to develop itself".
On behalf of the Marinha das Ondas parish, Manuel Caiano, stressed the "satisfaction and pleasure" with which the local parish welcomed, from the first moment, this initiative.
"It is time to celebrate the Children's Day at our neighbours´ home. So, today is the day to have lunch and visit the home of our neighbours, "said Paula Ramos, president of CRPMO.
Celia Marques, head of the Scout Group 1224, mentor entity of this action for 22 years, believes it was, and "continues" to be, an "asset for the whole community, being Celbi a partner of this activity, developed to support the population, visitors of the beach and aiming at a better future for the environment. "Note that, on this day, these two institutions received a donation, by Celbi, in the value of a ton of paper pulp.
Throughout Saturday afternoon, dozens of children participated in the Fair of Science, where they could do, even in a handcraft way, paper, among other experiences. Simultaneously, dozens of people visited Celbi and they could see the process of the paper pulp production.
Doing justice to its slogan, "Together on the right track", Celbi wants to continue this, and start other initiatives. “This partnership will go further. It will continue, as we are here to stay, some on one side, others on the other, together on the same track, the path with future, "concluded Nogueira Santos.