About 200 people, including children and adults, accepted the invitation of Celbi and got down to work to leave the Leirosa Beach sand cleaner. The initiative, completed with a social lunch and entertainment, was a success to be repeated.
In the morning of last Saturday, 13th June, Celbi promoted a cleaning action at Leirosa Beach, together in partnership with Marinha das Ondas Popular Recreation Center – Leirosa Beach (CRPMO), the Marinha das Ondas Scouts Group and with the support of the Marinha das Ondas Parish. The day began with words of encouragement and gratitude of Carlos Van Zeller, Celbi administator. "Thank you for joining Celbi on this day dedicated to caring for the environment and the future of all," he said, also stressing the importance of initiatives that strengthen good neighbourly relations between the industrial unit labouring during 50 years until now in Leirosa and its human community. Much younger than Celbi were the children who joyfully competed in the litter collection from the beach sand, filling two industrial containers. "It was fun, I had never participated in a beach cleanup, but I would like to do this again," said Bernardo Pedrosa, 10 years old, in the late morning. "I'm tired, but it was worth it to see the beach so clean," said, in turn, Beatriz Pata, 14 "I got mostly fish traps, but also some litter that people leave" regretted João Mateus, 12, who attended the action because he learned "that it would be fun." The many young participants were side by side with parents and other adults, including several fishermen of the Xávega Art, so they could help to collect some waste from their activity, lost at sea and by the sea returned.
"Just look at these children, so happy to be here, to clean up the beach, to realize that they will never put litter on the floor, that they will never leave litter in the sand." said, satisfied, Rodrigues Nada, president of Marinha das Ondas Parish Council. The conviction is shared by Celia Marques, head of the Scouts Group 1224 of the same parish, attended by dozens of children and young people of Leirosa. "We have cleaned the beach for nearly two decades to draw the attention of our members to the importance of preserving the beaches, and this year we were invited to work together with Celbi, which has supported us when we requested, making this an event even greater, "he explained. With the beach cleaned, the party was then made in CRPMO, in Leirosa Beach. For the chairwoman of the board, Paula Ramos, this was another opportunity to strengthen the good relations between Celbi and the local community. "The good relationship is old, and has been deepened with Celbi to support several activities and improvements in the community," acknowledges the chairwoman. "This is the closest community to the plant, and it is natural that it is also the most benefited, but we are very glad that these initiatives allow Celbi administration to know and understand where the sponsors they grant us are applied," she concluded. The Association, which prepared and hosted the social lunch and afternoon party - with inflatables and the atelier "Paper mill" for the youngest, and also performances of the Leirosa Beach Group of Children's Folk Dancers and the band Sombras - received in this special day, a donation of €500, equal to the amount delivered to the Scouts group. As for the Parish Council, there are projects that will have the usual support of Celbi, but Rodrigues Nada did not resist to launch a new challenge. "Later this summer, it would be good to make again such an initiative, but instead to clean the fountains and drinking fountains of the parish," he suggested.